Friday, January 29, 2010

Thanks for the prayers!

So one step closer to getting the job I mentioned before.  I am not so crazy about it now (the hours are kind of wonky) and in fact thought I had blown it having a beauty queen moment and totally missing the important word in the question and it's meaning. But this journey must be God's will.. if nothing other then to get me in the swing of interviewing.. being critiqued.  Oh wait.  I am ahead of myself.  So I got a call back.  I am one of three potential hires.  They want us to second interview with the staff itself.  I totally get it.  This is a boys group home kind of situation and they (we) have to be a cohesive unit.  But I must say it feels like it will be a popularity contest and I never do very good but then again I do at first impressions.  I just am too honest I think and not good at the games.  In general I like everyone and don't have time to not be nice to everyone.  If that makes sense :D  So we will see.  It is nice to get past the first round. 

So for those that read this and prayed... thanks!

1 comment:

Lynette Jacobs said...

Angela...thank you for your kind comment and that you will pray for our situation. It is great to find so many blogger/scrappers that serve the Lord.
